7 years ago this motorcycle drove through a tree and wrecked into a fence. It was then resigned to sit next to a shed 7 miles west of Pueblo, Co. That is until today... I dedicated this weekend to getting this machine to roar to life once again. I had cleaned the carbs out a few weeks ago. Yesterday I started trouble shooting the electrical system with my roomate Judd. It turned out I needed to get pretty intimately familiar with it. I ended up bypassing/shorting out a bunch of interlocks and changing some of the fuse box. Then after a little sweet talking, I was able to get it to roar to life. The fuel delivery is a little flaky, but I can deal with that later. Now that I am confident it can run it is time to pull the engine and start designing a new chassis for my autonomous motorcycle-engined car.
On an unrelated note I also started playing with some ideas I got from some Christmas decorations at the work cafeteria. I am debating making one of these from steam-bent wood.
That's so cool Dave, I wish I knew how to do useful stuff like you.